Change list of valid URI schemes in Drupal 8
If you need to support obscure URI schemes in your Drupal 8 instance and you're getting error messages about invalid URI schemes, this post is for you.
Programmatically change views pager type or options
Suppose you have a view and want to dynamically alter the number of results shown by the view based on the view arguments.
Set Limit for open files for MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04 with systemd
Sometimes you get the error
Out of resources when opening file './database/table.MYD' (Errcode: 24 - Too many open files)
To fix this on Ubuntu 16.04 you have to change the limits and to change the systemd-config:
Render a single field of an entity
Sometimes you just want to get the renderable array of a single field of an entity instead of the full entity.
Programmatically render an exposed filter form
If you need to render an exposed form programmatically, you could use the following snippet. The result will be a renderable array for the exposed form.
Programmatically render a facet
If you want to programmatically render a facet block provided by the Facets module, for example to provide a variable in a preprocess function, it would look something like this:
Check, if a user has access to a route
If you want to check, if a user has access to a route, you can use the checkNamedRoute method of the
Quickly create an instance of a class that uses Drupal's Dependency Injection
Sometimes you might want to get an instance of a class that implements ContainerInjectionInterface in unusual places.
Get current view object from route object
Sometimes you want to get the view object from a route object.
Start Java Remote Console with Sun embedded Light Out Manager ELO (SUN X2200 M2)
With current browsers and java you cannot use remote console because of mismatching ssl-protocols.
1) Download JNLP-File
Login in your ELO with edge or IE and download the jnlp for remote console:
"Remote Control" > "Redirection"